Sacred Formation

Spiritual Directing | Mentoring | Trauma Care

About Us

We believe every soul is on a sacred formational journey. Our desire is to come alongside fellow sojourners with mentoring resources that value holistic, spiritual integration along life’s journey.

Deborah Crowe, CSD

Spiritual Director

Deborah is a certified Spiritual Director with Deepen International. Deb has served as a missionary in Eastern Europe for the past 17 years. She provides individual and group direction, both online and offline.

Deb is a wife of 30 years, mother of eight, and grandmother of two. She is currently studying for her Master’s in Chaplaincy at Fuller Seminary.

Olena Koval, Psychologist

Psychology | Trauma Care

Olena specializes in individual and group therapy using a wide range of holistic practices. She works with the United Nations, overseeing trauma-care support groups for refugees for the past two years.

She is originally from Ukraine, and currently living in Romania with her family.

Bronwyn Smidt, ITR-CTR

Trauma Specialist | Art Therapy

Bronwyn is a gifted artist and empathetic listener. As a certified trauma specialist with Instinctual Trauma Response (ITR), she approaches trauma through Parts Mapping and brain science.

Bronwyn grew up in Ukraine and now lives in New York State with her husband.

Bruce Crowe,


Leadership Coach| Mentoring

Bruce oversees several business and charitable initiatives in Eastern Europe as the Director of a 501c3. He has a Master’s in Global Leadership and is a certified trauma specialist.

Bruce enjoys helping people navigate through personal and professional transitions. He is married to Deb, enjoys writing, and is currently a (DGL) doctoral student at Fuller Seminary.

What do we do?

We enjoy providing open, welcome space each month for online guided prayer and reflection.  And also find ourselves facilitating leadership development for missional thinkers, churches, and charities. We are mesmerized by dialogue education principles with a focus on measurable learning outcomes.

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Individual Accompaniment

A Spiritual Director is one who helps you recognize and follow the inspirations of grace in your life, in order to arrive at the end to which God is leading you.

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Mentor Matrix

Not everyone needs a life coach. Take our FREE Pre-Coaching Assessment to learn what type of mentor will actually help you the most.

No registration required and results are immediate! Take the Assessment!

Group Accompaniment

Journeying with others, online or offline, is a powerful way to discern the Spirit’s activity as we learn about ourselves in a trusted space.

Check out upcoming events and register to join us!

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

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What our friends are saying about Sacred Formation

Deb has a way of quieting your soul, ushering peace into inner places of turmoil with her calm presence. I experienced deep healing and highly recommend Deb!

Dar Draper

Charity Director – USA

The stages of maturing as a leader follow a certain path. Bruce has helped me to embrace where I am while embracing God’s shaping activity in my life. I feel more prepared for what lies ahead.

Vadim Novik

Business Analyst – Europe

It’s so hard to find a person that you can trust. Deborah was the person for me and I felt the Holy Spirit working through her. Every time we met, the Spirit would guide us, and give me healing truths to believe.

Tanya Kurilo

Author, Adoption Advocate – USA

Those peaceful moments of pause and reflection under Deb’s guidance helped me to be more present to the ways God is shaping me.

Katerina Vdovachenko

Marketing Director – USA

When I was ready to launch my first business, Bruce gave me the encouragement and guidance I needed. His direct, but kind approach helped me stay focused on my strengths.

Aleksa Aishpur

Marketing & Publishing – USA

Olena has been a valuable asset for our ministry the past two years. She provides a calm professionalism with diverse skills for many challenging situations. We highly recommend Olena!

Rares Calugar

Methodist Superintendent – Romania

My time with Bruce gave me the strength to confront some deep fears. I’m now moving forward on my vocational journey with fresh hope and strategic focus.

Dr. Kwame Yeboah

International Student Director

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